Saturday, February 11, 2012

For Those of You Taking AP Lit . . .

I figured that it would be cool for a student to run a blog because the only blogs I find are by teachers. I love English and the fact that there are thousands of kids across the country taking the same course I am, makes this class awesome! Sure, there are AP Bio, AP Chem, and AP Spanish courses, but AP Lit is one of the few courses where there is no actual material to study. What you put into the class, you will get out of it. If you do absolutely nothing, you will not do well on the test and the class will not mean anything to you. If you put effort into the class and have a good time, you will rock the test and you will remember the class for the rest of your life. Let me know what you think . . .

1 comment:

  1. and you should add a link to your other blogs. Tyler rocks
