Saturday, February 11, 2012

Some Self Assurance for Juniors

Some might call it the Holy Grail of high school English courses. It has been your destiny to take this course for the last three years and you are ready! You might question the decision to take this class, but the fact that you took the time to come seek out this post and you are reading it means that you have the drive to take on the class. To show you how far I came to taking AP English Literature, I will tell you a short story of my experience. In my high school there are five phases and they are ranked as one being the lowest phase and five being the highest phase (AP was after phase five). I started my Freshman year in phase 3 English I and got an 86, which is an okay grade. Sophomore Year, I took American Lit phase 3 and read my favorite book of all time, The Great Gatsby. I received a 92 for the year and decided that it might be time to phase up to phase 4 because I did not feel challenged in a phase 3. Come Junior year, I enrolled in British Lit phase 4 and I loved it! I did very well, getting an 88 for the year. During the second semester of my Junior year, I began to think about taking AP Lit my senior year, but I felt that it would be too challenging for me. After all, I started in a phase 3 and now I wanted to take an AP course. My guidance counselor and my parents heavily disagreed with my decision to take the course, but it did not matter. Now, I am in AP English Lit and have a steady B average, which sure proves a lot of people wrong. I now have my own blog to write my journals on and I am writing this post to young teens that in some of the same predicaments I was in. I never realized how great it was to have an English class where everyone wants to learn English. I was always used to people saying, "I don't know", "It doesn't mean anything", and "This is dumb" comments that came from my classmates mouths. I still have my notes from Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior year English. Does this make me an English nerd? Probably. Was it a good idea to keep them? Definitely! Now, you have the choice in your hands. Do you want to read Faulkner, Shakespeare, Hurston, Conrad, Bolt, Greene, Friel, Wilson, Frost, Keats, Coelridge, Byron, Eliot, and many more, or do you want to take Creative and Critical Writing or World Lit. The choice is yours (but seriously pick AP Lit)! Enjoy!

I would like to dedicate this page to Healigan, B4, and Deej because without you, I would never have taken this risk.

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